Individual Therapy

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.
-Robert H. Schuller

People seek individual therapy for a variety of reasons, including:  

If you want to find ways to regain your sense of trust in yourself, find ways to move forward and feel hopeful and competent again, want take a more active, authentic role in life, learn how to balance your needs with the needs of others, resolve previously unresolved experiences, create peace within yourself, or learn how to disrupt harmful patterns in your life, individual therapy can help!

In individual sessions I can help you explore and process previous experiences that are negatively impacting you currently, help you develop new ways of interacting with those around you, develop new skills for coping with and responding to difficult emotions, and even help you form a new, more caring relationship with yourself.  I can also help you find increased clarity, an improved sense of confidence, and the courage to make important changes in your life.

I work with adults of all ages.  I have significant experience working with a diverse spectrum of individuals including men, women, LGBT+ individuals, and individuals with varying religious and political beliefs.